
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Session 4 Why we do it- the thinking behind the learning

Our last class was a case study for how we should aim to set up a lesson.

We started with 'The Big Picture' so as students we could understand the reason/purpose of the session. I felt that this was important so as to encourage 'buy in' from the students. I know that if I don't feel something is important or if something is just waffle I wont engage. The rest of the lesson could then consist of bricks that filled in the big picture.

As a class we were broken into groups to brainstorm our experiances of good/bad learning/teaching then came back to report our results to the class. The lecturer then rephrased our answers to suit her lesson plan. Throughout the lesson we didn't spend too long on any one activity and there was a variety of activities to keep us engaged.

The lesson ended by creating a flow chart that summarised all we had learnt and pulled it together

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