
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Formative Assessment Solutions

My last post included benefits and barriers to formative assessment. I will now discuss solutions to those barriers.

1 Classroom Culture
This must embrace interaction and the use of assessment tools. Students need to feel safe and confident to answer questions without fear of embarrassment or humiliation. Questioning should be encouraged.

2 Learning Goals
Learning goals must be created and students’ progress towards those goals must be followed. Pride in students work and the process must be instilled rather than focussing on grades alone. Goals should be evaluated and modified if necessary.

3 Varied Instruction methods
Different approaches and techniques should be employed to explain concepts. All learning styles (VARK) should be used to promote student engagement. As Stefan said in class, “A good teacher is one that doesn’t put you to sleep”

4 Varied approaches to assessing student understanding
-Diagnostic assessment to assess prior learning to ensure teaching is at an appropriate level.
To assess student understanding during class
Varied questions at different levels of the SOLO taxonomy
Should allow ‘thinking time’ before moving on
-Engage students to critically discuss their assignments and each others
-Project based assessment
-Peer-assessed presentations
-Peer and self evaluation
-Group tutorials

5 Feedback
Feedback of student performance should be given and instruction should be adapted for each student’s needs if appropriate

6 Involvement of students in the learning process
Scaffolding learning by assessing student’s strengths and weaknesses and showing them how to proceed with the next step in their learning progress. Giving hints not answers and asking questions to help them find answers. Helping students to develop a series of learning strategies and skills.

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